This is my Digital Growth. I had to use the lightning effect and change some settings to make it "griddier". I would then take that section of "grid" and copy it, change the conductivity state (change what it looks like) and add it next to the previous section.
I would then set the growths off a little from each other and cause the motion of it moving left to right. I had adjustment layers on top to give it a colorization.
This is what I have so far. I used the grid effect to make multiple layers, and set the camera to have a depth of field so that farther and closer layers are blurry when others aren't. The "SHOK" has and effect called grid wipe.
These are my layers for the previous screenshot. There is an adjustment layer to add the blue colorization. some of the layers are offset to have all of the animations start at the same time.
These are the settings I used to create the grid effect. I made it "bouncey" to make the effect more "griddy" The decay is turned on to make it grow, and decay main core makes the overall glow decay. In expert settings I made if to where the effect was less complicated and to make it the most square possible.
The tutorial starts off with teaching you how to create the grid effect at first then tells you how to create the digital growth. Then it tells you how to make your word and give it a grid wipe effect and add it to a 3D comp. Then the tutorial teaches you how to turn the camera to finish off the project.
I used the lightning, grid wipe, and the colorization effects.
The hardest part was getting the digital growth to go left to right perfectly.
I enjoyed making the comp where the SHOK text is. It was cool how I could focus the camera on one part and the color I created was really cool. I think I can use this colorization effect in a later tutorial because it changes the color of everything and it is easy to get any color I want.
I felt the tutorial went fast in places and slow in others. The tutorial was overall easy to follow and the man explained everything he had done.
Here is the link to the tutorial:
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